Sunday, March 02, 2008

For the Love of Architecture

i am on the roof top of new lasalle... trying to figure out how the roof cable works and.... and to give the pic a sense of scale...see .... Prof Z, we are actually risking our every limb and muscle to do ARKI CON... haiz... for the love of Architecture that knws no end...i wonder to what extent wld an architecture lover try or Do
These are What i DID and friends pls contribute to the list... ahahahahahah

i remember breaking into compounds and buildings.Abandoned Private Properties despite warnings that the supernatural might lurk around some dark Conor...

i remember walking on a half collapsed 2nd floor of a Bungalow in Orchard Area just before the land was condoned off.i nearly fell to the 1st if not for my hand phone torch light.

i remember secretly taking pictures in an ANDO and SEJIMA, risking my cam and being charged or ushered away rather unglamourously

i remember paying exorbitant admission charges for a REM, Botta and a Jean Nouvel.

i remember pretending to be a Rich Patron of Hermes so that i could get into a RENZO Piano.

i remember walking with a grossly bloated sprained ankle so that i could see a HERZOG.

i remember forgoing lunch so that i could spend 2 hrs in a Rafael Vinoly, Snapping away in a walkway suspended 40 meters high in an Atrium with the fear of heights.

i remember taking Silly pictures of myself with buildings in the background when i am overseas. hoping for some kind of weird fulfilment which could be easily be repeated with Good photo shop skills

i remember spending 8hrs on a bloody bumpy road in the country side so that could see an old palace off the outskirts of Beijing

i remember fighting with my parents over my choice of study which eventually i prevailed coz i kicked my self out of SP.

i remember .... wasting my youth for Architecture.

is it worth it then? only time will tell...

Oh yeah, i shld credit the photo taking by IVan and the camera was SeeJia's...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

after you survive the whole architecture education. then ask yourself again if it is worth it. and ask yourself again after working for a few year...

remember that studying architecture is a privilege, cos it's not something everyone can experience.

YY's aunt